Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 2010

Okay, so I know I have been behind on posting. So be prepared for a long one.

Alana turned 7 months on May 8th. She continues to make us laugh at her blabbering and has cut a second tooth. She still refuses to roll over, with the exception of once in her kiddy pool. A slippery bottom helped her with that though. She loves her tummy time and pushes her way backwards. Maybe she will be a kid that will just skip that stage. She will eat anything that she can get into her mouth. She is a sleeping champ, often going more than 11-12 hours of rest. I'm sure being outside often doesn't hurt!
I was so excited to get her into swim lessons, mostly to see her reaction towards the pool. She absolutely loves it. She is the youngest child in the class by a few months, but tries to pull herself out of the pool when reaching for her toys on the ledge. She hasn't quite grasped the concept of blowing bubbles, instead she thinks it is drinking water.

The next weekend we celebrated my first Mother's Day. We were able to spend time with both sides of our families on Sunday. We had brunch with my family followed by going to Shawn's parents condo for a delicious dinner. By the end of the day we were stuffed with so much delicious food.

For those who are familiar with our yard, you are knowledgeable that we have a pie shaped lot. On the west side of the house there is a retaining wall with nothing but weeds below it for the past few years. This year we installed heavy duty landscape/road fabric and covered it with 8 yards of wood chips. That is a whole lot of wheelbarrows of wood chips. The intention is to install a fence at the retaining wall to keep the dogs "penned" in this area and stop damaging the rest of the backyard. We installed the fence but quickly learned that it was not tall enough since Brewer jumped onto the retaining wall and jumped the newly installed fence. We will have to come up with plan B.

While Shawn was having his boys weekend in Minnesota (watching the Brewers take on the Twins at the new Target center), Alana swam as much as she could in our backyard kiddy pool on Sunday. She loved it so much she swam again on Monday at Grandma Kathy's. She was so exhausted from all that swimming she simply passed out in Grandma's stroller.

We had a very busy Memorial Weekend. On Saturday we stuck around the house to do yard work and SWIM ONCE AGAIN. It was quite a few hot weekends! On Sunday, we took Alana to her first Brewer's game against New York Mets. They did lose with a final score of 4-10 but we still had an amazing time.

On Memorial Day, the whole family went to Port Washington's marina to walk around. We had an excellent time with nowhere to go or anything to do.