Monday, November 29, 2010

Paradise 2010

On Sunday, November 14th through November 21st, we were in paradise. We stayed at the plush Couples Sans Souci Resort in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Alana stayed with my parents most of the time and a little with my brother, Jeff and Cheryl, his wife. Brewer stayed with Shawn's parents and JoBu stayed with our friends, Kevin & Bridget. The weather could have been a little bit better but when it rained we jumped into the pool. Who could complain with mid 80's and tons of humidity? Well, the humidity did prove to be a downer as somehow moisture got into our small point & shoot camera causing its death. We met some people down there that were kind enough to lend us their camera for a few hours to get tons of shots throughout the resort. Thank you!

The infamous Bob Marley shots - Irie, Irie!

Halloween 2010

Poor Babies...

As Alana is suffering from her teething fever, she finally gave in and took a nap. I went downstairs to paint my scrapbook room (we're getting closer to completion!). I let the dogs outside to make a nature stop and play a little. A short bit later, the pups come in and I resume painting. JoBu would not leave my side, which is highly unusual of Mr. Independent. I walk out to the finished area of the basement to find the tile area covered in blood. I look at JoBu and his toenail is broken and just hanging on by a corner. Meanwhile, I am covered in paint, Alana wakes up screaming and Shawn is at work - 45 minutes away. I cannot get the bleeding to stop at all. I call the vet and tell them I'll be on my way in after I cover the van in old blankets. A bundled Alana, an injured JoBu and myself, who didn't have time to change from my painting rags, arrive at the vet 15 minutes later. The vet is kind enough and doctor up JoBu's paw and informs me that he is behind on his shots. Another 20 minutes later, Shawn walks in to the vet office as I'm handed a $200+ bill and a bandaged dog - but he is up to date on his shots.

The Pumpkin Patch

On Sunday, October 16th, we had to begin a new fall tradition for our family and go to a pumpkin patch, Meadowbrook Farm and Market. We had a great time and Alana helped pick out her few favorites. Unfortunately, later that night at her first official (non-family) birthday party, she broke out with a fever. Yet another 104-degree temp due to her silly teeth.

A Beautiful Fall Day

In mid October we decided to take a drive to see the beautiful fall colors. We stumbled upon Mauthe Lake in Campbellsport, WI. Alana thought the leaves on the ground were the best thing in the world to walk through.

Look Who Turned One (about 2 months ago)

So I know I'm really behind on blogging once again, but here goes nothing...Alana started to stand on her own on September 19th and began walking a few weeks before her one year old birthday, on September 26th to be exact. She went to her one year check up and weighed in at 17 pounds 14.4 oz and was 29" long. Tiny, tiny, tiny. She hates to nap but we average an hour or two once a day. She has ditched her nuk and bottle and eats like a champ. There is not a food that she does not like except pineapple but sneaky Mom can get a piece or two into her without her being any wiser.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

and we're back...

So life on the blogger has escaped the Bansemar Family. I know you've all been wondering if we've moved on, but we're still here. This past few months have been very busy. We've gone to the state fair; taken a trip or two to the Door County cottage and the Amberg cabin; we tried to camp with a sick 9 month old where Alana went on her first fast boat ride; we've been working on Melissa's scrapbook room in the basement - it might just get finished this year. We've just been enjoying life.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Anderson Family Reunion 2010

On July 22 through July 25, my Mom's side of the family gathered in Arkdale, WI for our first family reunion in over ten years. With a few exceptions, most of the family was in attendance, totalling around 30 adults and 8 kids. We had matching t-shirts to wear in the evenings (don't worry, we had laundry facilities), with each family distinguished by a different color t-shirt. Can't wait until we do it again next year!

Shawn had to join Paul in the kiddy pool to watch James. Apparently he didn't have his suit on.
Toes are delicious!
Alana w/ Uncle Steve
Madison, Lexi & Alana get ready for the Luau
She knows she is suppose to be sleeping

The Siblings

The Siblings & spouses
The Cousins
The Cousins & their families

The perfect ending to a perfect reunion