Monday, October 13, 2008

Sausage Fest

The Brewers baseball team has had quite the adventure the past two months, as well. For those living in a cave...they made the playoffs for the first time since 1982. Shawn & Matt Maio went to both of the Milwaukee games against the Philadelphia Phillys. Melissa & her brother, Steve, joined them for the 2nd home game -different sections, but same stadium. Unfortunately, that is where their adventure in the playoffs ended. We had a great time tailgating. Matt & Shawn both had double sausaged buns. Between Shawn & Matt they ate eight sausages or hot dogs. Melissa had a good time at the game; however, in the ninth inning her Blackberry was stolen. For those who know Melissa, she was quite addicted to it! Don't was replaced within the next few hours. A few pics of the sausage fest.

Matt's "non-Kosher" Cheddarbrats

Matt Maio - Father & Sausage Pioneer

A Double Dog. A Vodka Robinade. In the Middle A Gentleman For All Seasons

A Conservative Melissa: only one hot dog

Steve loves his Cheddarbrat

The Brewers' fans rooting on their team

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Remember Us???

We know we have been lacking with the whole blogging thing. Figured we'd get back into the groove. To recap the past 2 months, we have successfully unpacked from our two week road trip. Brewer had a trip to the Door County Emergency after loosing his toenail in his Grandparent's wheel chair ramp. Thankfully, it is growing back just fine.

On September 13th, we went to Josh & Lauren's wedding. Josh is Shawn's cousin. They had a beautiful wedding & reception at the Hyatt in downtown Milwaukee. Here are a few pics of the family.

Josh & Lauren Harpke

Lauren & Melissa

"The Tan Man" Uncle Mark & Melissa

Shawn with his cousins, Josh & Matt