Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Baby B Update

A quick update for those interested...I had my most recent doctor's appointment Tuesday night. I have gained 1-1/2 pounds since last week, putting me up to a whopping 6 pound weight gain. No complaints there. She is currently laying on her side, with her legs and arms on my right side. Her head is so far down that the doctor can feel it, which he was able to do two weeks ago also. I am dilated to a "good 2cm" vs. the last two weeks where I was dilated at 1cm. We are so impatiently waiting for this girl to make her appearance. At this point the doctor thinks I'll be seeing him at next week's appointment. Oh well, keep that baby cooking. If she doesn't make an appearance prior to October 17th, I will be induced. Stay tuned...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

West Bend Octoberfest

On August 29th, Shawn & Melissa went to downtown West Bend's Octoberfest. We started off at 8am at the Strawberry Pancake Breakfast. It was okay at best. The sausage was pretty hard and the strawberries were so cold it made the hot pancakes really cold and soggy. Maybe it had something to do with another cold summer morning. We met up with our friends Kevin & Bridget Pankonin at the farmer's market down the street to pick up some fresh produce, flowers and fish. I love their vast selections. After the market shut down at 11am, it was time to get back to Octoberfest to what else?? Drink. While Melissa had Sprecher Root Beers the rest of the group had lots and lots of beer. After about four hours of sitting around Melissa had enough and was in desperate need of a nap but Shawn got one more beer out of it by rubbing her feet at the picnic table. I guess we both got something out of it.

The polka band and dancers

Melissa & Kevin

Bridget & Andrea

Kevin bringing back beer for the table

Shawn rubbing Melissa's feet so he can have another

He got his way...once again!

Welcome Home Scott!

On Saturday, August 15th, Shawn & Melissa ventured down to Lindenhurst, IL to welcome home Shawn's cousin, Scott Allen. He has been overseas serving with the National Guard in Afghanistan. He left mid August 2008. We were unable to attend his going away party since we were on our road trip. The huge hit was the dunk tank which all the cousins took turns trying to get each into the cold water. It was great to see Scott return home safely.

Scott Allen

Shawn trying his best to dunk Scott


Matt Allen

Mike & Shawn Bansemar

Mary & Eric Bansemar

Preggo Mel