Tuesday, February 3, 2009

SuperBowl Weekend

We spent the first weekend of February with our friends in Rochester, MN. It is always great to get together with Kyle, Robin & Miles Kroening; Scott, Anna & Ethan Harms; and Matt, Sarah & Genevieve Maio. A quick rundown on our festivities...On Saturday, we went to a wonderful toy store, Lark Toys. There was even a hard-carved carousel. Afterwards, we went to Nelson's cheese factory for lunch. On Sunday, Shawn & I made the gang a delicious brunch, creme brulee french toast. Much to Anna & Robin's husbands despise, I introduced the ladies to the fun scrapbooking tool, the Cricut. Sunday night, we settled in for the SuperBowl and the Office.
Here are a few pictures from the weekend...

Lark Toys